| LEARN LIFESTYLE WITH DAVEevery day on Facebook! |
| FEEL INSPIRED WITH AMYevery day on Facebook! |
| BUILD BUSINESS WITH DAVIDevery day on Facebook! Plus, Tuesday & Thursday Conference Calls! |
Scroll for Weekly Conference Call details | |
| @puriumhp |
| @puriumtribe |
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“K CLUB” SUCCESSiShopPurium’s launch and the new "No Membership, No AutoShip, Best Prices" business model got off to a FAST start in October! This group of 100 Brand Partners earned more than $50,000 in just 4 weeks! What K Club are you shooting for this month?
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$1,000 WINNER: TARA ADLERCongratulations to October’s Brand Partner with the most Customer sales volume!
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$10,000 GIVEAWAYNov 1 - Dec 3114 Winners, 4 different ways to win CASH! | |
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‘TIS THE SEASONAmericans spend about $150 billion on gift cards because they’re perfect for every occasion, every age and every lifestyle. Our sample packs (Power Shake and Kids MVP) are 3 gifts in one: product +$50 + Purium Lifestyle journey. Great for teachers, mail couriers and babysitters!
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NEW APOTHE-CHERRY VIDEO!New video and a new Facebook Ad. Like, love and share to educate your teams and get NEW Customers!
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25% DISCOUNT FOR LEGACY CUSTOMERSWe have extended our re-engagement campaign through the end of the year. Our corporate team will be sending communications via social media and email. Help us by sharing the message and if anyone has a reset password issue, email support@puriumcorp.com!
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SOCIAL MEDIA CONTEST: #ItStartsWith10Days10-Day Tranfsormation + 110 Days of Daily Core3 = 120 Day Results
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AMY & DAVE’S GROUP TRANSFORMATIONDid you miss out on this Group Transformation? Get ready for David Litt’s Post-Thanksgiving Transformation November 27 – December 6!
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GRAND OPENING & UPCOMING EVENTSOver 250 people came out yesterday to watch Amy & Dave cut the ribbon of our new home. Guests sampled NEW mystery products (shhhhh!), toured the facilities and heard from Purium Corporate’s leaders. We are incredibly grateful for all the smiles, thoughts and positive energy that everyone shared! Our Next Healthy Happy Hour! November 27 MORE EVENTS: Nov. 28 SoCal: Super Amino 23 with Amy & Dr. Luca Dec. 5 SoCal: Super Amino 23 with Amy & Dr. Luca Dec. 1 Kauai: Super Amino 23 with Dave & Dr. Luca Dec. 2 Oahu: Super Amino 23 with Dave & Dr. Luca
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| BUSINESS TRAININGwith Amy Venner-Hamdi "Lessons from Diamond Club" |
| LIFESTYLE GATHERINGwith Dave Sandoval "Purium Vs. Depression" |
| BUSINESS OPPORTUNITYwith David Litt Invite guests to learn about one of America's fastest-growing companies! |
Same time, same number for all calls: 9pm ET | 6pm PT | 4pm HTPhone: (712) 432-7658 PIN: 7873#Need to stream the audio live? Listen Via Audiocast | |
Did you miss last week’s calls?
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